Why do the joints of the fingers hurt and what to do

The human hand is the most perfect tool that nature and evolution have invented. With the help of this "tool", an absolute number of manipulations are carried out which are necessary for life: from everyday life to the most subtle. This is why the appearance of pain in the joints of the hands is such a significant problem that overshadows the most common things.


Possible causes of pain

Of course, pain syndrome does not arise from scratch and is caused by various injuries, such as:

  • arthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • drop;
  • various bruises, dislocations, sprains and other mechanical damage.


The main signs of arthritis of the fingers, in addition to the manifestation of pain, include swelling, swelling and severe redness of the skin on the affected joint. By the type of prerequisites that cause arthritis, the disease is distinguished into infectious and rheumatoid.

Infectious arthritis

The cause of this manifestation is contamination with toxins and bacteria. Who entered the joint with the flow of blood or lymph. Therefore, the best prevention, which will prevent the infection from entering the bloodstream, is observance of basic rules of hygiene and asepsis. Otherwise, the affected joints are treated with antibiotics.

In addition, it is very important to understand one rule: if arthritis is suspected, then it is necessary to diagnose all adjacent tissues: ligaments, tendons and blood vessels, as well as the forearm, the joint ofshoulder and wrist. Since the prerequisites for pain in the wrist joints may be hidden in the dysfunction of the joint joints of a single limb.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a result of the combined effects of various damaging factors, such as infections, intense physical activity and an unhealthy lifestyle. All of these factors, as a rule, increase with age and turn a person's joints into "ticks", causing pain. In principle, there is currently no effective method of treating this disease, but remission is possible.


Rheumatism is known as a very unpleasant sudden sharp pain. It brought this sharpness of its manifestations in the joints of the fingers, also accompanying the whole process of redness, swelling and reduced freedom of movement. Add to this a possible rash and an increase in body temperature, and a full picture of the disease will be drawn, the treatment of which is already possible only with the help of a doctor.


This disease is characterized by a progressive deformation of the joints of the hands. The disease develops gradually: at first, a slight pain appears, which gradually increases over the years, accompanied by a feeling of stiffness in the joints and a progressive difficulty in moving the wrist joints, especially in thefingers. One of the most obvious signs is the symmetry of the pain: the joints hurt in both hands, and the thumbs are affected first, then all in turn.

Gout on the hands

This reason, as a rule, is characteristic of the ankle joints, but often occurs on the carpal joints. Gout is caused by a heavy deposition of purines in joint tissue and joint fluid, purines are found in fatty meat products - this means that the cause of the disease may be due to improper eating behavior.

Generally speaking, all diseases lead to the following process: the thumb joint begins to suffer from a pain syndrome, and over time all the other fingers suffer, at first the pain causes a slight inconvenience, but withover time, it increases under the influence of external factors. and internal factors (cold, heat, fatigue) and leads to the inability to perform even the simplest manipulations of the fingers.

It's a shame, but just when the fingers are already almost giving up, most people turn to clinics for skilled help.

On the treatment of pain in the joints of the fingers

If there is a problem when the joints of the fingers hurt, its solution is possible only with his own desire and the qualified services of a rheumatologist or osteopath. It is these two doctors, depending on the degree of the lesion, who prescribe specific procedures and medications.

The list of basic actions in case of hand pain:

  • Consult a doctor (surgeon, rheumatologist, osteopath);
  • Independent use of chondoprotectors;
  • The use of pain relief;
  • Self-help gymnastic exercises that allow you to gently develop the joints of the hands.

Chondoprotectors are special substances that replace and restore destroyed cartilage tissue. This effect is achieved thanks to the specific composition of the preparations, the active substance of which is very close to the structure of cartilage. In addition, the effect of the drug is enhanced by the content of complexes of minerals and vitamins and extracts of herbs and medicinal plants, which are able to eliminate inflammation, pain and increase the general tone ofjoints.

Pain relief is typically used in situations where the pain is so severe that it is impossible to live normally. Pain can spread to foci in the wrist joint, forearm and shoulder.

In gymnastic manipulations, an important rule is a gradual increase in the load from the smallest. In addition, the load increases in proportion to the capacities of the joints under the supervision of the attending physician, self-control and the correct calculation of one's own strength are also important.

  • If the pain is caused by the manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis, the most drastic measure is surgical treatment. Although in a very large percentage of cases physiotherapy of the affected joint, heating and acupuncture give very good results. Horizontal bar exercise and swimming have been shown to alleviate rheumatoid arthritis just as well, and disease progression is significantly slowed.
  • Lesions caused by osteoarthritis are a little more difficult to treat because they are accompanied by deformities and the synovial fluid (lubrication of the joints) stops working. Against the background of these manifestations, the breakdown of the tissues around the joint begins. Treatment involves an integrated approach to the use of nonsteroidal pain relievers. If the pains are characterized by great force, then pain relief can be applied internally. It is also mandatory to take chondoprotectors. An arthroscopy procedure is mandatory - local opening of the joint and visualization of the processes in the joint and its image on the screen.

It should be remembered that a careless attitude at the initial stage will lead to a complication of treatment and a possible loss of the working ability of the hands. The joints of the hands, like any other, must be cared for from an early age.